The parents of a 13-year-old girl who committed suicide last year say her death could have been prevented, if the school had informed them of the reports she was being bullied. On Tuesday, Jason and Jennifer Lambeth hit the Clark County, Nevada School District with a wrongful death lawsuit for... read more →
Fans of AMC's "The Walking Dead" typically saw Emily Kinney scrambling away from flesh-eating zombies and surviving off stolen goods while playing Beth Greene last season on the hit drama series. But when the 29-year-old singer-songwriter took the stage at Trinity United Methodist Church, her cheerful laughter and soft spoken... read more →
Photographer James Smolka focuses his camera on the faces of epilepsy. What’s revealed is a intimate portrait of those who have learned to cope daily with the neurological disorder. READ MORE
Five police officers have been served with gross misconduct notices in relation to the death of a man who was allegedly restrained during an epileptic seizure. The 32-year-old died two days after going into cardiac arrest in a police van and falling into a coma, according to his family. He... read more →
Alexia Lange is a typical teenager. The 17 year old likes to choose the perfect outfit for each day and is trying to pin down what she’d like to study at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Such typical routines and plans were once only a dream. To look at... read more →
The name of some clinics for people with epilepsy has been changed following a complaint it was offensive. First Fit clinics in Lincolnshire have been re-named First Seizure, following a request for the change. United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust (ULHT) agreed seizure was a better description. Epilepsy Action hopes NHS... read more →
A new UK study has shed light on the frequency with which memory problems are associated with cases of epilepsy in children. Published in the medical journal Seizure, the systematic review of existing research aimed to improve understanding of the prevalence of memory difficulties in epilepsy patients and possible predictors... read more →
They didn't know it then, but 15 years ago in their basement pottery studio, Chris Heuer and his wife, Amy Lake, created a symbol. Heuer had always been a potter. Long before his children were born, American Girl approached him to create a small bird whistle for the company's Josephine... read more →
Last spring, I joined my daughter Journey's fifth grade class as a volunteer on her field trip. I had the pleasure of watching a classmate approach Journey who was taking photos of a museum exhibit. The classmate suggested she turn off the camera flash; he was concerned that it could... read more →
Two of the grant winners—Dr. Ned Patterson of the University of Minnesota and Dr. Sam Long of the University of Melbourne—will work to understand the underlying mechanisms that predispose dogs to epilepsy and search for new drugs. Patterson and Long received $104,781 and $116,000, respectively. The money was awarded by... read more →