As we hurry about our busy lives, unusual occurrences can be overlooked. For instance, have you ever had your brain just pause?
“Glitches,” laughs Colleen Arnold, of Weatherford, “I guess, a good way of describing them is brain farts!”
For years, Arnold dealt with the unexplained mental ‘pauses.’ But, over time, they became more frequent and more severe.
“We were having dinner with some friends and I locked completely up in the middle of sentence! And everybody was staring at me [asking] ‘Colleen—are you alright? Colleen?’ After about 10 seconds, I came out of it, and I said ‘I’m okay. I’m back. Everything’s cool.’ And my husband said, ‘what in the world was that?’ And I said, ‘that was one of my glitches.'”
Arnold’s husband, Dennis, insisted they see a doctor. The couple came away from the appointment with a surprising diagnosis: epilepsy.